NHG cost limit rises to € 405,000 in 2023.
In 2023, the limit for an NHG mortgage will go up to €405,000. In 2022, the limit was € 355,000. This increase will give more homebuyers access to a mortgage with NHG (National Mortgage Guarantee). NHG provides a safety net if people face foreclosure or residual debts.
Both the bail-in fee – the one-off amount someone pays for a mortgage with NHG – and the NHG cost limit are reset annually through an agreed methodology. The purpose of this is to create more stability in the housing market on the one hand and to ensure that consumers retain access to a mortgage with NHG on the other. This methodology is established together with the Ministry of Domestic Affairs and Kingdom Relations and the Ministry of Finance. The NHG cost limit increases less sharply in a period of rising house prices and decreases less sharply in a period of falling house prices.
In 2023, NHG has chosen the same method as in 2022 to annually set the NHG cost limit. This increases the cost limit from €355,000 to €405,000 and keeps the NHG accessible to many buyers. With Energy Saving Amenities, the cost limit in 2023 will become € 429,300. Stability is also the starting point for the bail commission. In 2023 it will remain the same as in 2022, namely 0.6%.
Decoupling of NHG and affordability limit
The government wants to build 900,000 homes by 2030, two-thirds of which will be affordable. Currently, the limit for what constitutes an affordable home is the NHG limit. Due to the sharp increase in the NHG limit, houses with that price are affordable for fewer people, because incomes have risen less than the NHG limit in the past year. Therefore, the cabinet is going to disconnect the limit for what are affordable homes for sale from the NHG limit. For the regional housing deals to be established at the end of this year and early next year, in accordance with the Housing Program, the current NHG limit of €355,000 will be used as the affordability limit. This will therefore not change by increasing the cost limit to € 405,000.
Source: www.rijksoverheid.nl